Antique barometer, French 1880-1900, painted, signed, unique piece

Antique barometer, French 1880-1900, painted, signed, unique piece

Antique barometer, French 1880-1900, painted, signed, unique piece

Antique barometer, French 1880-1900, painted, signed, unique piece

Antique barometer, French 1880-1900, painted, signed, unique piece

Antique barometer, French 1880-1900, painted, signed, unique piece

Antique barometer, French 1880-1900, painted, signed, unique piece

Condition: Great condition, the pictures show it perfectly. The interior of the oject moves. The painting’s colors are bright. L sign and Breveté S. G. D. G. Which is a guarantee sign. Very unique type of barometer, highly recommend for any collections. 9,5 cm 5 cm.

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