Archives for October 5, 2020

Antique English brass decorative barometer

Barometer is brass with a standing soldier guardian on either side of the face. Guardians have removable sword/shafts. You can look into the face and see the coils of metal on the inside. Pretty writing for the weather forecast. Screws on back to open and set. 11′ tall 10′ wide. Given to [...]

Magnificent Antique English Carved Oak Banjo Wall Aneroid Barometer Thermometer

Magnificent Antique English Carved Oak Banjo Wall Aneroid Barometer Thermometer. The wood frame measures 36″ long included the metal hanger, the base area is 10 5/8″ wide and it is about 2 3/4 deep. The thermometer is 10 long. The brass bezel for the barometer [...]

HUGE Antique French Carved Oak BLACK FOREST BAROMETER w Grapes Wine Wall Hanging

HUGE Antique French Carved Oak Black Forest Barometer. Beautiful carved black forest barometer/thermometer! Elaborate dimensional relief carvings, excellent Black Forest style. HUGE fruit and foliage, SOLID OAK, quality quality quality. Look how the back box opens to access the barometer (again only found in the [...]