RARE Art Deco Dragoyle Air Tester by John Swain & Son 1924 Mercury Scarce

RARE Art Deco Dragoyle Air Tester by John Swain & Son 1924 Mercury Scarce

RARE Art Deco Dragoyle Air Tester by John Swain & Son 1924 Mercury Scarce

RARE Art Deco Dragoyle Air Tester by John Swain & Son 1924 Mercury Scarce

RARE Art Deco Dragoyle Air Tester by John Swain & Son 1924 Mercury Scarce

RARE Art Deco Dragoyle Air Tester by John Swain & Son 1924 Mercury Scarce

RARE Art Deco Dragoyle Air Tester by John Swain & Son 1924 Mercury Scarce

The water container represents a Dragoyle, one of the dragon family closely related to the Gargoyles which as the world knows, spout liquid from their mouths so our dragoyle behaves just as all dragoyles should.

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