Made from pressed wood, it must be from the 1st half of the 1900’s. A man and woman rotate as the weather changes. She is out doors in fair weather, and he comes out on rainy days. Chivalry is not dead, afterall. Because these items predict the change of weather, many people assume they are barometers. Barometers however work on detecting changes in pressure. This is a hygrometer and works on detecting the change of moisture in the air.
There is a label on the back that gives instructions on the use and care of the item. The label does not identify the maker. It does say on the bottom: made in germany. Stands about 7 1/2 high. If you want to know the international priority rates for this item, please send me a question and i will be glad to respond.
Adequate time for a response. I have added a sunny day picture to the listing.