Posts tagged regent

Antique Sympiesometer Barometer Made By W. Desilva Optician Regent Rd. Liverpool

This piece is for parts or repair. I believe it is from the 1850’s. It is missing the bottom metal part, the glass over the top, pieces of the wooden case and a couple of glass tubes are broken. As I stated, for parts or repair. The item “Antique Sympiesometer [...]

Antique Sympiesometer Barometer Made By W. Desilva Optician Regent Rd. Liverpool

This piece is for parts or repair. I believe it is from the 1850’s. It is missing the bottom metal part, the glass over the top, pieces of the wooden case and a couple of glass tubes are broken. As I stated, for parts [...]

Vintage Airguide Barometer Award tom van geider regent chairman committee nomda

This is not my hobby, i need to make sales to make a living. And lastly, I do everything myself, I have no employees. Everything I sell is As-Is. I can’t be expected to do an elaborate write up in the description of every item I sell. See the photos [...]