Posts tagged border

1880’s Charles Wilder Thermometer with Oak & Bronze Swallow Border By Wm H Tomey

Rare Beautiful antique Thermometer. 1880’s original item. Found in the attic of a local estate. The thermometer is by Charles Wilder of Peterboro New Hampshire. The bronze work was done by Wm H. Tomey who worked for the Armington Art Metal co. [...]

Large Antique Wood Carved English Aneroid Barometer with rope border

This antique English aneroid barometer is marked “J Parnell Tavistock”. Tavistock is in Devon in southwest England. It dates to the late 1800’s I believe. It is very large measuring 11″ in diameter overall with an 8″ face and is a full 3 thick. There is a carved [...]