Queen and Co Surveying Aneroid Compensated Barometer Philadelphia 1880

Queen and Co Surveying Aneroid Compensated Barometer Philadelphia 1880

Queen and Co Surveying Aneroid Compensated Barometer Philadelphia 1880

Queen and Co Surveying Aneroid Compensated Barometer Philadelphia 1880

Queen and Co Surveying Aneroid Compensated Barometer Philadelphia 1880

Queen and Co Surveying Aneroid Compensated Barometer Philadelphia 1880

Queen and Co Surveying Aneroid Compensated Barometer Philadelphia 1880

Queen and Co Surveying Aneroid Compensated Barometer Philadelphia 1880. For sale is the item shown in the photos. Sorry, I may not have time to answer all questions and can’t support requests for additional photos. Items listed are typically vintage and may have imperfections from wear/age and a picture is worth 1000 words. Policy and your order may be cancelled. Before purchasing the item.

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