Antique Short & Mason London Mahogany Octagonal Tycos Wall Barometer

Antique Short & Mason London Mahogany Octagonal Tycos Wall Barometer

Antique Short & Mason London Mahogany Octagonal Tycos Wall Barometer

Antique Short & Mason London Mahogany Octagonal Tycos Wall Barometer

Antique Short & Mason London Mahogany Octagonal Tycos Wall Barometer

For sale an Antique Mahogany Tacos Wall Barometer by Smart & Marsh London, made in GT Britain. Registration or model number on back 2555. Hole with adjustment screw. Mahogany casing needs some TLC but still in good viewing form looking at it from the front. I’m not an expert on barometers, so I’m not 100% sure if it works correctly or not. Width of casing just under 2 inches.

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