Vintage WEEMS & PLATH Marine Barometer Brass German Movement Assembled In USA

Vintage WEEMS & PLATH Marine Barometer Brass German Movement Assembled In USA

Vintage WEEMS & PLATH Marine Barometer Brass German Movement Assembled In USA

Vintage WEEMS & PLATH Marine Barometer Brass German Movement Assembled In USA

Vintage WEEMS & PLATH Marine Barometer Brass German Movement Assembled In USA

This vintage marine barometer from Weems & Plath is a true gem for collectors and enthusiasts of scientific instruments. Crafted in Germany before 1930, it features a brass construction that exudes a timeless elegance. The barometer is an original piece and is perfect for those who appreciate the history of marine science. Its maker, Weems & Plath, is renowned for producing high-quality scientific instruments, and this barometer is no exception. It is ideal for measuring atmospheric pressure and is highly sought after by collectors of antique science and medicine items. Add this exquisite piece to your collection today and own a piece of marine history.

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