19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

19th century Carved Camel B. Thermometer Centigrade/Réaumur Scale

This antique thermometer is a beautiful piece of history, crafted from delicately carved camel b–e. Its unique design features both Centigrade and Réaumur scales, and it was manufactured in the 19th century. The item is considered to be original and is an excellent addition to any collection of scientific instruments or antiques.

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