Framed in brass these have a beautiful ornate detailed face covered with domed vintage bubble glass, quite striking. They both have a brass bass with the framed instruments elevated on two brass balls. These are in working condition but the accuracy is unknown.
The back appears to be a bakelite and both read wittnaurer instruments division. Each measure 4” wide 4 1/2” high and 1 1/4” in depth. One is a barometer measured in millibars and has an adjustable dial. The other is a humi-therm which is a tempature gauge and a relative humidity gauge. Overall condition is very good showing only minor wear consistent with age. This is a perfect set for the weather enthusiast or the vintage wittnaurer collector. There isn’t anything as endearing to the public as a rags to riches story and the history behind the wittnauer watch company is one such story. Imagine if you will a young 16 year old swiss immigrant arriving in new york city in 1872 with an already well developed ability to produce high quality watches. The story only gets better from here. Wittnauer begins working for his brother in law j. Robert is an importer of fine swiss watches.
With the help of his younger brother, albert wittnauer decides there is a need for a watch designed with all of the durability and function the american public demands. Much to everyone’s except albert’s surprise, the watches are an instant hit with his brother in law’s clients. By 1890, the company is formally establishes when mr. Robert gives the title to albert wittnauer and the a. All of the wittnauer siblings are involved in the budding business. They make the bright decision to employ the best and most talented of watch making engineers. The company also stays ahead of the game and begins to cater to the ever growing world of exploration. It is their timepieces that are found on trips made by navigators, explorers, and astronomers. In terms of the great global exploration taking place, the a. Becomes even further involved with the navy for early aviation tests.
From there the world’s most exciting people in regards to the budding fields of aviation, astrology, and navigation go to this company for the most accurate, well made field devices and watches. Of the wittnauer company and products, noted horologist marvin e.
Whitney writes, no one company has been more involved in the design and production of so many different types of navigational timepieces and been involved in so many history making expeditions..